Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Celebrate the Comforter 2024: A Global Outpouring of Faith and Unity.

Abuja, Nigeria.

Millions of Christians from around the world united in a powerful display of faith and unity at the recently concluded Celebrate the Comforter 2024, led by renowned spiritual leader, Rev. Esther Ajayi. The event, held on July 20, 2024, at National Stadium, Abuja, was a resounding success, drawing attendees from diverse denominations and backgrounds to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Themed “Celebrate the Comforter 2024”, the gathering was marked by fervent prayer, inspiring worship, and powerful messages centered on the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Rev. Esther Ajayi’s anointed leadership and prophetic insights created a spiritually charged atmosphere that ignited hearts and transformed lives.

“Celebrate the Comforter 2024 was a truly unforgettable experience,” said Rev. Esther Ajayi. “Witnessing the outpouring of God’s love and unity among believers from different walks of life was a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful for the opportunity to come together and celebrate the Comforter.”

The event featured a lineup of renowned gospel ministers, including Yinka Alaseyori and a host of others . Their powerful testimonies and anointed worship performances elevated the gathering to new heights of spiritual intensity.

Beyond the spiritual impact, Celebrate the Comforter 2024 also served as a platform for humanitarian initiatives and prayer for the success of the present Nigeria Government to do more in alleviating the pains of the common citizens, following the economic situation. The need for Nigerians to play a role by prayers and working to walk the talk took center stage prior to the event. 

As the echoes of this extraordinary event continue to reverberate, organizers and attendees alike express their anticipation for future gatherings and the pledge to walk the talk and stop the blame game.

Celebrate the Comforter has established itself as a global movement, uniting Christians in a shared commitment to seeking God's presence and purpose at all times.

From the stables of AsoADURA Media Network (AMEN), we appreciate the opportunity to be part of this historic movement and look promise to play our role in Nation Building.

Hallelujah Joy!

Bro. Dr. Adebunmi Adeola Akinbo.
Founder, CALEBs.
for the #AMEN Team !

Monday, March 18, 2024

Crossing Paths: Coincidence or Divine Intervention?

Life throws us curveballs. Sometimes, we bump into an old friend in a bustling city, reconnect with a lost love at a random cafe, or receive a helping hand from a stranger just when we need it most. These chance encounters can leave us wondering: was it just a coincidence, or something more?

✓ *The Power of Coincidence*

The world is a vast and interconnected place. It's statistically likely that seemingly improbable occurrences might happen. Probability theory suggests that the more people there are and the more interactions take place, the more frequent these "coincidences" become. Social media algorithms can also play a role, subtly connecting us with people who share similar interests or reside in the same areas.

✓ *Seeking a Deeper Meaning*

Despite the power of logic, humans are inherently wired to seek meaning in the seemingly random. When we experience a powerful "coincidence," it can spark a sense of wonder, a feeling of being connected to something larger than ourselves. Perhaps it reignites a fading friendship, leads to a life-changing opportunity, or offers comfort in a difficult time. These encounters can leave us feeling grateful, hopeful, or even believing in a guiding hand.

✓ *Faith and Divine Intervention*

For many people, these unexpected connections solidify their faith in a higher power. They see these events as a form of divine intervention, a sign from the universe or a God watching over them. Believers might interpret these "coincidences" as confirmation of prayers, a nudge in the right direction, or a reminder that they are not alone.

✓ *Finding the Balance*

Whether you view them as chance encounters or divine guidance, "crossings of paths" can be powerful experiences.  The key lies in finding a balance between embracing the unexpected and taking responsibility for your own journey. These encounters can be prompts for reflection, a time to reconnect with old passions or act on a lingering intuition. Yet, it's equally important to actively pursue goals and create opportunities, not just wait for fate to intervene.

✓ *The Takeaway*

Life is full of surprises, and "crossings of paths" add a layer of intrigue.  Perhaps the most important thing is to be open to the possibilities these encounters offer. Whether it's a stroke of luck or a divine nudge, these moments can inspire gratitude, reignite connections, and remind us of the beauty and interconnectedness of life. 

*Ultimately, the answer to "coincidence or God" lies within each individual's belief system.* This article simply aims to spark introspection and encourage you to ponder the significance of these unexpected encounters in your own life. 

MSA. Dr. Adebunmi Adeola Akinbo is a member of the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church, a Media and Brand Expert, Publicist and Publisher. He is a Computer Professional, Chartered Public Management Expert, and Therapist. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

God Does Not Have Common Sense: A Dive into the Divine Mind Through Isaiah.

To claim that God lacks common sense might seem like an audacious proposition, even heretical. Yet, as we delve into the enigmatic realm of the divine, particularly through the lens of the Book of Isaiah, a fascinating paradox emerges. While God's wisdom and power are undeniable, attributing to him a human-like cognitive faculty like "common sense" might be a dangerous oversimplification.

Isaiah, a prophet known for his bold pronouncements and poetic imagery, throws us into the heart of this paradox. He paints a picture of a God whose actions and pronouncements defy our earthly understanding. In one breath, he promises lush harvests and prosperity, and in the next, threatens utter destruction for disobedience. He speaks through dreams and visions, employs metaphors and hyperbole, and acts through seemingly illogical means.

Take, for instance, the famous prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." This seemingly absurd pronouncement, defying the very laws of nature, challenges our human comprehension. Yet, for Isaiah and the Israelites, it served as a powerful symbol of God's intervention and ultimate control over history.

Herein lies the crux of the matter: God's perspective transcends our finite understanding. What we perceive as illogical or contradictory might be, from his perspective, part of a grander, incomprehensible plan. His actions, though seemingly lacking in "common sense," are guided by a wisdom that encompasses the entirety of time and existence, a wisdom beyond our grasp.

Furthermore, Isaiah reveals a God who is not bound by the same constraints as humans. He is not subject to the limitations of time, space, or even logic. He can act in ways that appear nonsensical to us because he operates on a different plane, guided by a purpose that surpasses our immediate understanding.

This, however, is not to say that God is devoid of logic or reason altogether. The Book of Isaiah is filled with pronouncements that display a profound understanding of human nature, history, and the workings of the world. However, his logic is not our logic, and his reasoning is not confined to the narrow parameters of human "common sense."

To understand God, then, we must abandon the quest for earthly analogies and embrace the mystery. We must move beyond the limitations of our human minds and accept that the divine operates according to a different set of rules, a different kind of logic.

This is not to say that we should abandon all critical thinking or suspend our moral compass. Rather, it is a call for humility, for acknowledging the vastness and complexity of the divine mind. It is a reminder that our understanding of God is always partial, always evolving, and that ultimately, we are but humble travelers on a journey towards a mystery that can never be fully grasped.

Therefore, let us approach the Book of Isaiah, and the divine itself, with a sense of awe and wonder, open to the possibility that God's ways are not our ways, and that his thoughts are far above our thoughts. Let us embrace the paradox, the uncertainty, and the mystery, for in grappling with these very things, we might just catch a glimpse of the divine mind, a mind that, while lacking in "common sense," is infinitely more vast, more complex, and more awe-inspiring than we could ever imagine.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Beyond Common Sense: Unveiling the Divine through Isaiah's Lens.

Common sense, that intuitive grasp of everyday logic and practicality, forms the bedrock of much human interaction. We rely on it to navigate traffic, mend relationships, and make sense of the world around us. But what if, when it comes to the divine, such earthly benchmarks fall woefully short? This essay explores the provocative proposition that God, as presented in the prophetic book of Isaiah, exists beyond the realm of common sense, demanding a more nuanced and awe-inspiring understanding of how the divine operates.

Isaiah’s God is a whirlwind of paradoxes. He is both loving and wrathful, merciful and demanding, a cosmic architect simultaneously shaping history with meticulous detail and allowing human choices to unfold with unpredictable consequences. This divine paradox explodes the limitations of common sense's linear reasoning. Isaiah 45:7 succinctly declares, "I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things." Here, the binary logic of good and bad crumbles before the sheer vastness of the divine, where light and darkness, well-being and disaster, intertwine in a tapestry beyond human comprehension.

Furthermore, Isaiah portrays a God who transcends any human notion of time and space. He promises future events with uncanny precision, yet appears seemingly indifferent to immediate human suffering. Consider Isaiah 44:6-8, where God proclaims, "Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: ‘Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I am the LORD, and besides me there is no savior.’” This assertion of eternal presence and singularity throws human anxieties about immediate outcomes into perspective. We are but fleeting players in a vast cosmic drama, where divine purpose unfolds according to its own rhythm, often defying our limited understanding of urgency and delay.

Perhaps the most unsettling challenge to common sense lies in Isaiah's depiction of God's relationship with his chosen people. The prophet paints a stark picture of Israel's infidelity and God's righteous anger, culminating in pronouncements of exile and devastation. Yet, amidst the fiery pronouncements, whispers of love and redemption echo. In Isaiah 54:7-8, the divine voice pledges, "For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with great kindness I will gather you. In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting love I have pitied you, says the LORD, your Redeemer." This oscillation between wrath and compassion, judgment and restoration, defies human constructs of forgiveness and justice. God's love for Israel transcends understanding, offering hope even in the depths of despair.

Ultimately, embracing the "divinely illogical" of Isaiah's God demands a radical shift in perspective. We must step away from the comfort of earthly benchmarks and surrender to the mystery of the divine. This isn't an abandonment of reason, but an expansion of it, acknowledging the limitations of human logic in comprehending the infinite.

Reading Isaiah through this lens becomes a humbling and awe-inspiring experience. We encounter a God who is utterly unconstrained by human expectations, a force of creation and destruction, love and wrath, weaving destinies on a canvas far grander than our limited minds can conceive. This encounter opens doors to a deeper understanding of the divine, one that acknowledges our finitude while appreciating the immensity of God's grace, a grace that stretches even beyond the boundaries of common sense.

So, the next time you find yourself grappling with the seemingly illogical ways of God, remember the prophet Isaiah. Don't seek comfort in familiar patterns or earthly logic. Instead, open your heart to the mystery, the paradox, the awe-inspiring reality of a God who operates beyond the confines of common sense, offering a glimpse into the boundless grace and wonder that lies beyond our understanding.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Beyond Human Logic: God, Common Sense, and the Book of Isaiah.

The question of whether God possesses common sense, a human faculty often associated with pragmatism and basic reasoning, is a fascinating and deeply theological one. While the Book of Isaiah offers invaluable insights into the divine mind, it also challenges our very notion of common sense, forcing us to confront the limitations of human logic in comprehending the immensity of God.

Isaiah portrays a God who operates on a vastly different plane than human beings. His ways are described as "past finding out" (Isaiah 40:28), and his thoughts "higher than our thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9). This divine transcendence suggests that judging God by the standards of human reasoning, including common sense, is ultimately futile.

One of the most striking examples of this is God's penchant for unexpected and seemingly illogical choices. In Isaiah 45, he declares Cyrus the Great, a pagan king, as his instrument to liberate the Israelites from Babylon. This act, seemingly incongruous with God's covenant with the chosen people, defies human understanding. Yet, through this seemingly illogical act, God demonstrates his ultimate sovereignty and his ability to work through seemingly unlikely agents to fulfill his purposes.

Furthermore, Isaiah challenges our common-sense understanding of justice and punishment. God's pronouncements of judgment, often swift and severe, may appear harsh to our sensibilities. Yet, the book emphasizes God's ultimate concern for righteousness and his role as the ultimate judge. His actions, while seemingly harsh from a human perspective, serve a larger purpose of maintaining cosmic order and upholding justice.

The book also delves into the realm of creation, revealing a God who delights in the diversity and complexity of his handiwork. The vastness of the universe, the intricate detail of the natural world, and the unique tapestry of human cultures all point to a divine mind far exceeding the confines of human common sense. To comprehend the full scope of God's creative power and purpose requires a leap of faith that transcends our earthly logic.

However, it is important to note that Isaiah does not entirely dismiss human reasoning. The book repeatedly calls for discernment, urging the people to "come now, let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18). This suggests that while human logic cannot fully grasp the divine mind, it can still serve as a valuable tool for navigating the complexities of life and discerning God's will.

Ultimately, the Book of Isaiah teaches us that God's thinking transcends the limitations of human common sense. While this may seem unsettling to our earthly minds, it also offers a profound sense of awe and wonder. By recognizing the vastness of the divine, we are freed from the constraints of our own limited perspective and invited to embrace the mystery and grandeur of God's ultimate wisdom.

In conclusion, the question of whether God has common sense is not one to be answered definitively. Instead, it serves as a gateway to a deeper understanding of the divine-human relationship. Through the lens of Isaiah, we glimpse a God who operates on a different plane, one where logic and reason give way to mystery and faith. While this may challenge our earthly understanding, it ultimately opens us to a more profound and awe-inspiring encounter with the divine.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

YiPS call young members to join the conversation Online !

Young Internet Professionals is calling young persons to come online and follow the discussion.

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multistakeholder space that facilitates the discussion and dialogue of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. The IGF was convened in 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly.

With the renewal of its mandate by United Nations in December 2015, the IGF consolidates itself as a platform to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals. While there’s no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other.

The IGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise. The IGF is also a space that gives developing countries the same opportunity as wealthier nations to engage in the debate on Internet governance and to facilitate their participation in existing institutions and arrangements. Ultimately, the involvement of all stakeholders, from developed as well as developing countries, is necessary for the future development of the Internet.

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